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Published Works
The Anatomy of God and Man (1982)
~A Selection~
Ecology of the Man Within (1972)
~A Selection~
Ecology of the Self Within (1976)
A selection from Schoenbrod's unpublished manuscripts
In addition to his two published texts, Gilbert Adam Schoenbrod completed 46 manuscripts before his death. Nearly every page written has an illustrated pairing. 
Manuscript Titles:

90 Years to Maturity (Books 1 & 2)

AIDS Virus

Cancer and the Only Way Out

Cancer In the Body of Christ

Child of God

Cosmic Genesis

Creation- A Fairy Tale for Young and Old (missing 2/4 folders)

Democracy Comes of Age

Divine Insemination and the Growth Machine (Books 1 & 2)

Feeding God

Foundations of the New World of Man

Genesis of God (Books 1-3)

Genesis of Man


God is No Mystery

God Speaks

If There is Peace on Earth

Introduction to Polar Genetics & Author’s LIfe Story

Just Drawings by Adam

Life Cycle of God

Love Story (Books 1-3)

New Age Art by Adam

No Corner on God

Not Christianity but Christ

Nutrition for the Future of Humankind (Books 1 & 2)

One Humanity One Earth

Polar Genetics, A 21st Century Vision of God (Books 1 & 2)

Rich, Poor, Cancer, Hunger

The Bok of Light “The Present of Man” (Volume 3)

The Book of Light “Man” (Volume 2)

The Book of Light “The Beauty of Man” (Volume 6)

The Book of Light “The Mind of Man” (Volume 4)

The Book of Light “The Society of Man” (Volume 5)

The Book of Light (Volume 1)

The Energy Tree

The Human Family (Books 1 & 2)

The Open Soul- Drawings and Writings by Adam (Books 1-6)

The Story of Man (Books 1-3)

The Trinity

The Way to the Human Soul

Threshold Primer (Books 1 & 2)

Voice of the Soul (Books 1 & 2)

Who Are My Parents (missing 2/3 folders)

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